Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Symptoms and causes of Hair loss

Hair loss can affect only the scalp or the entire body. It can be a consequence of hereditary factors, hormonal changes, a disease or medications. Anyone can have hair loss, but it is more common in men.

Usually, baldness refers to excessive hair loss of the scalp. The most frequent cause of baldness is the hereditary factor along with age. Some people prefer to let baldness run its course without treating it or trying to hide it. Others can cover it with hairstyles, makeup, hats or scarves. Others even choose one of the available treatments to prevent hair loss from continuing and restore their growth. Before starting a hair loss treatment, talk to your doctor about the cause and about the best treatment options.


  • Photograph of male distribution baldness
  • Male distribution baldness
  • Photograph of female distribution baldness
  • Female distribution baldness
  • Photograph showing irregular hair loss (alopecia areata)
  • Irregular hair loss (alopecia areata)
  • Photograph of alopecia by traction
  • Alopecia by traction

Hair loss can appear in many ways, depending on the cause. It may appear suddenly or gradually, affecting only the scalp or the entire body. Some types of hair loss are not permanent while others are permanent.

Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include the following:

Loss of gradual hair thickness in the upper part of the head. This is the most common type of hair loss, and it affects both men and women as they get older. In men, the hairline begins to recede from the forehead in a line that resembles the letter M. Women usually retain the hairline on the forehead but present a widening in the separation of the hair.

Points of baldness circular or in patches. In some people there are soft bald spots, the size of coins. This type of hair loss usually affects only the scalp, but sometimes it also occurs in the beard or eyebrows. In some cases, there may be itching or pain in the skin before the hair falls out.

Sudden hair loss A physical or emotional shock can loosen the hair. It is possible for hair to fall out when hair is combed or washed, or even after pulling it gently. This type of hair loss usually causes the general thinning of the hair instead of patches of baldness.

Hair loss throughout the body. Some medical conditions and treatments such as cancer chemotherapy can cause hair loss throughout the body. Usually, the hair grows back.

Peeling patches that spread on the scalp. This is a sign of ringworm. It can be accompanied by broken hair, redness, inflammation and, sometimes, secretions.

When should you see a doctor?

Consult the doctor if you or your child grieves because of hair loss and want to get treatment. Also talk to your doctor if you notice sudden or patchy hair loss, or if there is more hair loss than usual when combing or washing your hair or your child’s hair. Sudden hair loss can be a sign of a hidden disease that may require treatment.


People usually lose about 100 hairs a day. This does not usually cause hair to shrink on the scalp because, at the same time, new hair grows. Hair loss occurs when the growth and hair loss cycle is altered or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.

Hair Transplant Costs and Expenses

There are lots of products available on the industry nowadays that hold the promise of thinning hair and treating male pattern hair loss. Bearing this in mind, the hair transplant price ranges between $3,200 — $11,000

Hair loss is usually related to one or more of the following factors:

Family history (genetic predisposition). The most frequent cause of hair loss is a hereditary disorder called male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. It tends to appear gradually as you get older and in predictable patterns: a receding hairline and areas of baldness among men, and reduction of hair thickness among women.

Hormonal changes and medical disorders. Several disorders can cause temporary or permanent loss of hair, which include the hormonal changes of pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and thyroid problems. Medical disorders include alopecia areata, which causes hair loss in patches, infections of the scalp such as ringworm, and a hair pulling disorder called trichotillomania.

Medications and supplements. Hair loss can be a side effect of some medications, such as those used to treat Cancer, Arthritis, Depression, Diabeties, Heart problems, Gout and high blood pressure.

Radiation therapy of the head. It is possible that the hair does not grow back as before.

A very stressful event. Many people notice a reduction in hair thickness months after suffering a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.

Certain hair styles and treatments. Excessive modeling or hairstyles that pull a lot of hair (such as ponytails or African braids) can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Treatments with hot or permanent oil can inflame the follicles and cause hair loss. If there is scarring, hair loss can be permanent.

Risk factors

  • A number of factors can increase the risk of hair loss, such as the following:
  • Family history of baldness from any side of the family
  • Age
  • Significant weight loss
  • Some medical conditions, such as diabetes and lupus
  • Stress
  • Hair Transplant Surgery leaves scars as well in some cases


  • Most cases of baldness are caused by genetic reasons (male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness). There is no prevention for this type of hair loss.
  • These tips can help you avoid certain types of hair loss:
  • Avoid tight hairstyles such as braids, runners or horsetails.
  • Avoid twisting your hair, rubbing it or throwing it compulsively.
  • Try to avoid to take the medicines. Hair Transplant Surgery Or Medicine? Follow your Doctor’s advice.
  • Treat your hair gently when you wash and brush it. Hair pulls can be avoided with a wide tooth comb.
  • Try to eat the products which contain Vitamins D which is good for healthy growth.
  • Avoid strong treatments such as hot curling irons, hair straighteners, hot oil treatments and permanent treatments.
  • Avoid taking medications or supplements that cause hair loss.
  • Protects hair from sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light.
  • Stop smoking. Some studies have shown a relationship between smoking and baldness among men.
  • If you undergo treatment with chemotherapy, consult the doctor about a cold cap. These caps reduce the risk of hair loss during chemotherapy.



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